01736 732709 |
Kymaurah, Kemyel Wartha, Lamorna, Penzance, Cornwall, TR19 6NR
Five hundred yards outside of Sheffield is a sweeping left hand bend signposted:- RAGGINS, MOUSEHOLE, CASTALLACK take this road, a mile on, directly ahead of you will be a dead end sign, signposted 'Kemyel' take this dead end road. At the T junction you will come to the farm track, signed ST AUBYN ESTATES, turn right, aprox a mile on will bring you to the edge of Lamorna Cove Valley, Go Past the first set of gates on your right with visit Britain sign on post, keep forward the next set of gates on your right is Kymaurah. Drive into the courtyard, HONEY HEDGE COTTAGE is the first barn on your right, THE DOVECOTE the end barn to your left. For LAMORNA VIEW continue on the lane past Kymaurah gateway just to the left you will see Lamorna View 30 yards on, drive through the wooden gates. Take care on the narrow winding country lanes leading to our isolated rural location. |
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